A Chicken with Love

I love chicken dishes but I can’t eat one anymore. It’s not that I consulted a doctor and they forbid me not to eat chicken anymore. Okay, I forbid myself. What a hard decision to make, and I already ate one lat night. It’s all about chicken alright, because I’m frustrated that whenever I ate one a CHICKEN-POX-LIKE suddenly comes out at my wrist and legs. Is it a curse? Because I love chicken wings and chicken legs? It makes me hard to breath; so chicken dishes is my killer now? But i love chicken, It made me realize the worth of the saying ” too much love will kill you”.

what a sad life, so the meat of my life now is fish ( yeah because I’m not eating pork). I’m crying because of frustration and idiocy of my thoughts because I’m blogging this. The hallucination of chicken haunts me. It is not my farewell to my beloved chicken yet, I’m going to a doctor so he can give me right med so  I can enjoy chicken again. So again chicken… FLY TO ME 🙂